Superintendent's District Update
The Falls City Public Schools Board of Education held the regular board meeting on Monday, March 10, 2025. Here are the highlights of the meeting.
Facility Master Planning Update – Cleve Reves of BVH Architecture presented early results from their engagement with the school staff, including a heat mapping exercise and survey. Findings highlight the need for specialized resources and spaces, particularly at North Elementary, South Elementary, and the middle school. The high school's career and technical education (CTE) facilities are outdated and inadequate, with a need for dedicated spaces for modernizing educational experiences for students. Recommendations included prioritizing facility improvements, addressing security and accessibility concerns, and considering finish upgrades to enhance the teaching and learning environment.
The utilization study showed the current grade configurations and the number of students per classroom, with recommendations for reconfiguring classroom levels. The capacity study suggested that the district has the space for growth, with recommendations for enhancing existing classroom utilization and creating room for underserved programs. The next steps include master planning for building-level grade reconfigurations, addressing accessibility and safety issues, and considering specialized CTE education and resource spaces.
Key Changes in Preschool Enrollment - Falls City Public Schools is pleased to announce the approval of Board Policy 7136, which updates preschool enrollment guidelines in alignment with recent legislative changes under LB 71. This policy expands access to our preschool program and provides clear eligibility criteria. Children may qualify for the district’s preschool program if they meet one of the following criteria:
· Are 3 years old before July 31 of the enrollment year
· Are 4 years old at the start of the enrollment year
· Are 5 years old at the start of the enrollment year, provided they do not turn 6 before January 1 of that year
Preschool enrollment will be conducted annually. Parents or guardians must complete and submit an enrollment application by the designated deadline. Applications will be reviewed based on available space, eligibility, and other factors determined by district staff. Families will be notified of their child's enrollment status within a reasonable timeframe following the application deadline. This policy takes effect March 10, 2025 and reflects our commitment to providing quality early childhood education opportunities for families in our district.
School Improvement & Strategic Plan Update - Falls City Public Schools is preparing for its Continuous Improvement External Team visit during the 2025-2026 school year. This visit is a critical component of our ongoing commitment to continuous growth. Visits must be scheduled for two or two and a half days. Dr. Brittany Hajek, Chief Academic Officer for Crete Public Schools, will serve as the leader for the FCPS external review team. Priority scheduling will be given to schools requesting a visit in October, November, or December. FCPS has requested an October 2025 date. The External Team Visit is on a 5-year cycle, facilitated by the Nebraska Department of Education.
New Staff for 2025-2026 School Year - Falls City Public Schools is excited to welcome two new talented educators to our team. Michelle Zamarron will serve as the district's Secondary Spanish Teacher. With a passion for language and reading, Michelle will be a wonderful addition to our school community. Darin Lovercheck, a Secondary Special Education Teacher, brings a strong commitment to supporting diverse learners and will be a valuable asset to our students and staff. We are confident that both Michelle and Darin will make a positive impact and contribute to providing exceptional educational experiences for our students. We look forward to their contributions to Falls City Public Schools.
State Aid 2025/26 - State Aid for 2025/26 under current statute has been certified for Nebraska school districts. The Basic Allowable Growth Rate for all school districts is 2.5%. As a comparison to the prior fiscal year 2024/25, The Falls City Public Schools total state aid is certified at $1,416,402, which is a reduction of $45,781. The reduction is due to the district’s formula need in 2025/26, and a 10.37% change in adjusted property valuation.
Facility Improvements Scheduled for Summer 2025 - The project committee has outlined key facility improvements scheduled for implementation in 2025 to enhance the learning environment, infrastructure, and safety. Planned upgrades include installing new flooring in selected classrooms to create a more modern and comfortable learning space. At the stadium, improvements will include sealing the seating area to ensure durability and constructing a new men’s and women’s restroom facility to improve accessibility. Additionally, the district will enhance campus security by installing additional security cameras. These projects reflect our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality facilities that support student success and safety.
The District 56 Board of Education acted on several items before concluding the regular meeting.
· Approved the Final Readings on Policy Reviews and Revisions: 1) 5510 ESSA; 2) 7136 Preschool Enrollment; 3) 7148 Lice and Nits
· Approved the Resignations: 1) Jeanne Holloway, Special Education Teacher MS & Elem. 24-years; 2) Cynthia Fritz, Special Education Paraeducator, 21-years; 3) Jamie Frederick, Elementary Teacher, 25-years; Josh McCampbell, High School Social Sciences Teacher, 7-years.
· Approved Employment Contracts: 1) Michelle Zamarron, Secondary Science Teacher; 2) Darin Lovercheck, Secondary Special Education Teacher
· Approved the Facility Project Recommendations for 2025
· Approved the 2025-2026 Contracts for Principals
· Approved the 2025-2026 Superintendent’s Contract
The next regular monthly Board of Education meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. in the Central Office in Falls City Middle School. Regular and special meeting agendas are kept in the Office of the Superintendent, Tim Heckenlively.
Falls City Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, citizenship status or economic status in its programs, activities and employment.