NJHS and canned food

Truly, Together Everyone Achieves More!  FCMS National Junior High Honor Society led the Falls City Middle School tiger team in making 2020 memorable in a positive way by hosting an epic food drive, collecting 1,085 items to donate to the SENCA food pantry!  The food items donated will help the 1,120 people in Richardson county (13.7%) who are food insecure and help to rid the effects of food insecurity like serious health complications from not having adequate and healthy food to learn and grow.  

What motivated students to give so generously (aside from the desire to make a difference) their teachers kissing animals, of course!  NJHS students created fun, food-themed days and set a series of goals.  For each goal met, animals were given some extra love by teachers. Katelynn Titus brought Chubby the bunny to receive kisses from Nick Kraft for 250 items donated as well as a chicken that met kisses from Susan Findlay for 500 items.  A goat supplied by Louis Fritz received kisses from Jack Munford for 750 items, and Baconator the pig (supplied by Michael & Malesa Wickham) got some extra love from Linnette Fankhauser for 1000 donated items.