Conference update

Falls City Public School Families, 

With the unexpected power outage last night, Falls City Public Schools will move forward with Parent/Teacher conferences tomorrow, Thursday, September 30th from 4:00-7:30 p.m. 

Elementary Families: For families that were signed up for conferences that did not have an opportunity to conference last night and would like to reschedule, you can contact your child’s teacher (via Class Dojo or school email) to reschedule your conference for Thursday night. We understand this may cause schedule conflicts. If you are not able to attend conferences tomorrow evening, arrange a time for a telephone conference. 

Middle School Families: FCMS has an open conference format and will continue with that format on Thursday.  Parents, please understand that we will have a lot of demand for our teachers' time.  If you would like more time or can not attend on Thursday due to scheduling conflicts you can reach out to teachers to meet with them outside of the scheduled conference time by phone.  

High School Families: FCHS has open conferencing in the gymnasium on Thursday.  If you are unable to attend and want to visit with your child’s teacher, please email that teacher for information or to set up a phone conference.    


FCPS Administration