NASB Announces Awards of Achievement to local School Board Members
The Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB), Board of Directors and staff, recognized the 2021 Award of Achievement recipients during the Nebraska City Area Meeting earlier in October.
NASB is a private, nonprofit organization that serves the needs of Nebraska public school districts and Educational Service Unit board members. Nebraska’s 1,700 school board members from across the state may participate in board development training throughout the year by attending workshops and conferences to help strengthen their role in governance, legislative advocacy, and stewardship of district resources in support of student achievement. In recognition of their volunteer time and commitment to education, the Association commends continued participation and growth in knowledge and best practice governance.
Through the Awards of Achievement program, Falls City Public Schools Board President, John Martin, was recognized at the meeting for his outstanding excellence in achieving a new level of success during the awards year.
- Level 9 Falls City Public Schools John Martin
Board members are awarded for their advocacy efforts, participation in NASB Services and Programs, as well as attendance at NASB workshops and events. Just as board members have made a commitment to provide a quality education for students in their districts, NASB strives to provide quality resources and opportunities for its members. There are ten total levels of achievement that carry over year to year. To learn more, visit