Falls City Public Schools Education Foundation Outstanding Teachers  and Employee of the Year Award Recipients

Falls City Public Schools Education Foundation Outstanding Teachers and Employee of the Year Award Recipients 


Superintendent Tim Heckenlively announced The Falls City Education Foundation Annual Outstanding Teachers of the Year Awards and the Outstanding Employee of the Year Award during the opening session of the Falls City Public Schools Pre-Service on Monday, August 15th.

Vicki Martineau is the recipient of the Outstanding Employee of the Year Award. Mrs. Martineau is beginning her 39 th year with the school district. “She has a gift for organization, and it’s a valuable part of her personality. A common phrase repeated throughout the day at the Middle School is “Go ask Vicki.” She has kept track of honor roll, students of the month, inputting students in the school’s schedule, and report cards just to name a few.” Furthermore, she is the frontline for school safety as far as allowing people access into the building.

Emily Gist, was presented the Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year Award. Mrs. Gist is beginning her 9th year as an elementary teacher. Mrs. Gist serves on the district’s school improvement committee, data committee, and curriculum development team for ELA. She has volunteered to step into a variety of roles when called upon, as demonstrated by creating and supervising our student mentorship volunteer program, sponsoring a new school newspaper club, Elementary PBiS team, and serving on the faculty interview team.

Donna Eickhoff, Falls City High Business & Accounting instructor, was presented the Outstanding Secondary Teacher of the Year Award. Mrs. Eickhoff is beginning her 23rd year of teaching with the Falls City Public Schools. “She is a true professional in her classroom and is genuinely dedicated to her students, many of whom have chosen to pursue a career in business, accounting, and management, professions she helped prepare them for.”

The purpose of these awards is to recognize excellence in the field of education. The recipients of this award play key roles in creating a school environment that promotes student achievement, safety, and health.